Monday, December 30, 2019

Journal Club Empagliflozin, Cardiovascular Outcomes, And...

JOURNAL CLUB: Empagliflozin, Cardiovascular Outcomes, and Mortality in Type 2 Diabetes: EMPAG-REG OUTCOME Danny R. Pate 5/17/16 GENERAL STUDY OVERVIEW Title/Citation Empagliflozin, Cardiovascular Outcomes, and Mortality in Type 2 Diabetes. N Engl J Med 2015;373:2117-28. Journal Reputability High level of Reliability Funding †¢ Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) and Eli Lilly, manufacturers of empagliflozin (Jardiance) and empagliflozin/metformin (Synjardy)were the primary sources of funding for the study †¢ BI paid for medical writing and analyzed the study data, and the study s steering committee included employees of BI †¢ All researchers were paid by either BI or Eli Lilly for either consulting or data monitoring BACKGROUND- THE STUDY QUESTIONS Introduction †¢ Type 2 diabetes is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. †¢ There is growing concern that intense glucose lowering or the use of certain agents may be associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes. †¢ Empagliflozin was compared with placebo and analyzed for effects on morbidity and mortality in patients with T2D at high risk for CV events who were receiving standard of care. Why this study? Empagliflozin has been shown to result in weight loss, reduce blood pressure without increasing heart rate, favorable effects on markers of arterial stiffness and vascular resistance and visceral adiposity. Empagliflozin has also been associated with an increase in both LDL and HDL cholesterol. These surrogate markers

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Social Media And Its Effect On Self Image - 1896 Words

Would you consider yourself an important person? The majority of young people in today’s society would say that they indeed are important, as opposed to the very few numbers of people who felt this way in the 1950’s, according to Jean Twenge in her book Generation Me. Debora Lima agrees with Twenge and suggests that this is caused by social media in her article â€Å"Social media plays large part in self image.† Cathy Payne also agrees as she explains the inflation of cosmetic surgeries in her article â€Å"Botox or your bills? Plastic surgery wins out.† Twenge, Payne, and Lima all agree that there is a change in self-image in today’s young society, yet they all argue different sub points on this subject. Overall, there has been a noticeable change in self-image. In chapter 2 â€Å"An Army of One: Me† of Generation Me, Jean Twenge discusses self-image. First, she explains how Gen Me’ers are focused on the self and how their self-esteem is much higher than Baby Boomers’. The author reports how children are encouraged to focus on themselves. This sometimes creates narcissism instead, declares the author. Another thing brought up is how teachers are beginning to not criticize students because it may damage their self-esteem. To conclude, Twenge argues how Gen Me’ers have a positive self-image, but this may not be a good thing (Twenge 44-71). While discussing the change in self-image, Twenge’s target audience is comprised of Gen Me’ers and Baby Boomers. Both of these groups wouldShow MoreRelatedSocial Media Has a Negative Effect on Body Image and Self Esteem1202 Words   |  5 Pages Social media has become one of the most popular sources of communication for the upcoming generation. For young people growing up in today’s society, social media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have provided pictures and news that have become the first thing that their eyes see in the morning and the last thing that they see before bed. These pictures have provided unrealistic standards as to what is considered beautiful in today’s society. As young people refer to these imagesRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effects On Society Essay1605 Words   |  7 PagesOver the duration of time, I have noticed the great deal of power that media has influenced on how women ought to appear. The relationship between social media and its users is a high effect on people and causes many problems. We are constantly thrown images of women and men to categorize what is eye catching. It has been clear that social media has blossomed in the last few decades to only deliver u s with messages. Social media is applying to us, that looking more like the Kardashians and less likeRead MoreSocial Media Allows People To Share Pictures And Ideas1057 Words   |  5 PagesSocial media allows people to share pictures and ideas with others across the world. Women and girls can use social media to earn approval for their appearance and compare themselves to others. Women during this time period that are so heavily impacted by the media can link their self-worth to their looks. I used scholarly articles all relating to how social media affects body image to decide what my view point was. After research, we can conclude that social media has a negative effect on a woman’sRead MoreLiterature Review : Body Image1173 Words   |  5 PagesLiterature Review: Body Image â€Å"Act 2: Extending Theory on Social Media and Body Concerns† shows the pattern and connection between social media and body image. People that are already affected by vulnerable factors, such as low self-esteem, depression, perfectionism and the thought that appearance is essential to self-worth, seek the gratifications that come from using social media. For example, if someone is feeling unattractive, but a picture they posted online is getting liked and commented onRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Young Girls And Women Alike1474 Words   |  6 PagesSocial media plays an immense role in the way that stereotypes about attractiveness is conveyed in regards to body image. As Gerbner and Gross wrote in 1976, the cultivation theory states that high frequency viewers of television are more susceptible to media messages and the belief that they are real and valid. The subjection to social media can cause an idealistic view amongst young girls and women alike. Among the mechanisms of human agency none is more central or pervasive than beliefs of personalRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effects On Society1564 Words   |  7 Pagesgreat advancements, allowing for the age of social media to be born and subsequently shaped into what it is today. 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SNS enable users toRead MoreStudies of Social Media and its Effects on Adolescent’s Body Image 1166 Words   |  5 Pagesthe years, technology has evolved into something people cannot live without. Mixed in with all of the improvements, social media has become a major asset in the lives of people. Social media can include websites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but can also include video games and magazines. However, social media is not always genuine. In the mindset of adolescents, these medias help to create unrealistic ideas of who they are and who they should be. As if going through puberty isn’t difficultRead MoreHow Does The Media Affect Male Body Image?874 Words   |  4 PagesExploratory Analysis: How Does The Media Effect Male Body Image? Today in modern society, we are driven by social forces. Not only do we strive for human approval and companionship, we also thrive on social media. The media plays such a pivotal role in what we buy, eat, wear, etc. that we are conditioning ourselves to fit the mold for the â€Å"perfect† or â€Å"ideal† body type. This social construct has been a pressing issue for many years regarding the female physique, but not as much has been said onRead MoreThe Study Of Body Image1572 Words   |  7 PagesThe study of body image is a broad topic that touches many subjects including gender. However, the study of body image has been focused mainly on females. This is because the physical shape and image of male bodies have not changed over the history. From the ancient Greek until the modern era, the masculinity is the predominant stereotype for men. Masculine traits include courage, independence and assertiveness (Judith, 2001; Murray, 2000). In contrast to the male body, the female figures have been

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Acts of congress summary Free Essays

Politics First Chapter Nine continues with an examination of Barney Frank, the Democrat who served as the senior leader of the House Financial Services Committee that was responsible with researching, marking up, rewriting, and passing proposed legislation that would prohibit another financial crisis from developing in the future. However, while waiting for the release the administration’s white paper, which helped inform and educate members of Congress about White House proposals, Frank found himself in the midst of a potential political rebellion from in Congress, nd even from within his own party. Many moderates balked at Franks more aggressive reform proposals, while liberals found it treasonous that he was collaborating with banks, the very institutions that they held responsible for the onset of the financial crisis and the beneficiaries of TARP†Troubled Asset Relief Program. We will write a custom essay sample on Acts of congress summary or any similar topic only for you Order Now One such critic was Senator Dick Durban, who rejected the idea ofa bank bail-out, and was disappointed that banks were still in a position to politic in Washington. Frank disagreed, asserting that the big banks were losing steam in Washington and the evidence was simple: they could not prohibit the passage of redit card legislation that protected consumers. In an effort to gain support and educate members of Congress, Franks staff put on a serious of workshops and work sessions for members. In addition to his efforts to placate liberals, Frank threw his support behind provisions that would ultimately become the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau†an idea first presented by Elizabeth Warren in an article for the journal Democracy. The legislation became important but the â€Å"blues and news,† the old and new moderate factions of the Democratic party of each party, were already rowning in health care legislation, breaking Franks declaration that the new legislation would pass before Congress’ summer vacation. Key Points/Details Big banks were largely to blame, but collateral damage of the bank fallout could be small banks and credit unions – The press was largely to blame, in Franks mind, for overstating the political clout that big banks and Wall Street had What would their influence be in the process of writing new legislation – Frank recruited the Democratic members of the House Committee on Financial Services (Banking Committee) who he held in highest esteem to work on issues for the reform bill – Frank favored three hallmarks for reform that might relieve liberals who were nervous that banks were not bearing the brunt of responsibility for the crisis o Credit card bill – more transparency from issuers of credit cards o Subprime mortgage bill – bill that banned many subprime mortgages and required that lenders would require companies to give stockholders a chance to give feedback about Though Frank had originally been hesitant to support such a executive pay – provision, White House backing, growing support from among popular and powerful Democrats (Clinton, Edwards, etc. polling numbers that seemed to indicate that the public favored it, and convincing arguments from Harvard law professor – and current US Senator from Massachusetts – Elizabeth Warren, persuaded Frank to throw his support behind the creation of a new regulatory agency (CFPA/b). Agency would regulate American financial firms and the services and products that they offer to the public – Independent agency under the Federal Reserve Board o Frank felt pressure from both sides – the administration as well as hesitant, moderate â€Å"news and blues† – of his own party Many were worried that supporting the creation of he agency would leave them vulnerable in upcoming elections in vulnerable districts o Proposed health care and â€Å"cap and trade† legislation distracted both Congress and the public – Frank began to recognize that he had to do more to reassure his colleagues that this agency was a good idea Worked to cajole them and gain their support o By the end of the chapter, Frank is convinced that he is right and that he will be able to get such legislation passed Terms: derivatives rating agencies systemic risk regulator subprime mortgages consumer protection â€Å"say on pay’ Elizabeth Warren Price gouging Payday lender Office of Legislative Council CFPA / CFPB Chapter 10 – An Impotent Minority Chapter 10 focuses on the struggles of Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL) and the rest of his party to reconcile their desire to reform the financial sector but not seem to bow to the desires of the Democrats. Rep. Bachus, a moderate Republican who before the crash had proposed legislation regulating subprime mortgages only to be rebuffed by his more conservative colleagues, favored bipartisan efforts. He was up against an increasingly conservative House Republican caucus, who were led by radicals who ere emboldened by redistricting in their states that left them with little need to proposal for financial reform, undercutting the release of the administration white paper by a week. This proposal overwhelmingly focused on the principle that they would not stand for future â€Å"bailouts† of the Wall Street institutions that were responsible for the financial crisis. Though the plan garnered little media attention, and did not include many of the provisions laid out in the White House bill, it did indicate that Congressional Republicans recognized the reality that comprehensive financial reform was necessary. TARP Republican Study Committee How to cite Acts of congress summary, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Case Study Word’s Smith Limited

Question: Case study on "Words Smith Limited". Answer: Words Smith limited can achieve an improved HRMIS planning by allocating appropriate workforce for different job roles. The workforce of the company needs to be configured in such a way that the identification of the employees for specialized job roles becomes easy. The employee details should be updated based on the qualifications of the employees of mainly bookstore. The understanding of the employee requirement based on the qualification would ensure the proper segregation of workers according to part-time and full time positions. The workforce data based on the qualification of the employees will help in downsizing the company workforce (Yusof Aziz, 2015). The workforce details of the employees should be directly linked to performance evaluation of the employees, which will enable the management to consider various restructuring decision in future. The information from the performance evaluation technique can provide valuable information in assessing the most efficient employees for timely delivery of tasks. In this way the employees with greater efficiency can be allocated to a part time job role as they can complete an order processing in shortest time possible. Words Smith existing database should be updated along with mainly bookstore and with this amalgamation the qualification of the employees should also be updated. This strategy of workforce information will facilitate greater flexibility in decision making in terms of the job allocation of the employees in different department within the existing retail chain locations. In order to ensure the complete updating procedure, the employees should be informed to update their academi c background, Alma matter, past experience and key skills. The improvement in the existing HRMIS system can be brought by recognizing the employees best suited for a particular job role. This will enable the employees to be allocated in specialized departments of Words Smith limited. The downsizing process through converting the full time employees into part-time employees would ensure that not only the cost is reduced but the efficient allocation of the employees into specific job roles would help the company perform in a better way and meet the targets in time of seasonal fluctuation. The reallocation of the employees into part-time and full time through HRMIS would also prevent the company to retrench the existing employees for the existing companies (Yu, 2012). Reference List Yu, Y. (2012, May). The Progress of Human Resource Management Information System. In Proceedings of the 2012 3rd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government-Volume 03 (pp. 1093-1096). IEEE Computer Society. Yusof, M. M., Aziz, K. A. (2015). Evaluation of Organizational Readiness in Information Systems Adoption: A Case Study. Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia, 4(2).

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Beautiful Mind essays

Beautiful Mind essays A Beautiful Mind tells the autobiographical story of Jonh Nash Jr. a distinguished professor from Princeton who went on to make some great theories and win the Nobel prize. The centerpiece of the story is the fact that John Nash suffers from schizopherinia a debilitating condition for the most people which leaves them helpless. It is amazing that Nash has been able Nash was in college trying to complete an orginal idea that his class mates wouldnt even think about. Nash felt that class wasnt any use to him, since he was a mathmatician. He would hang out with the same group of friends while trying to complete his work. He would talk to his roomate Charles about everything, while his roomate would try to influence him to try new He eventually graduates Princetion and is presented with a job at Wheeler, on the campus of MIT. He was teaching and doing small jobs for the government, but when hes called in to break a russian code, John Nash is swept away into the world of international intrigue and is presented with a top secret-mission to find codes in various magaizines and report back to his handler, William Parcher. Nash, Becomes obsessed with his work, always tearing through magazinesand delervering this cut out in a top secret envenlope in a mail box. Everthing seemes to be going fine For John, He has a girlfriend and his job is stable, but one day, everything falls apart. His cover seemily blown, John believes the Russians have discovered his work and have taken him to a secret mental institution. Heres where the plot takes a decidedly different turn and the movie starts to get really good. In actualiaty the institution was real and his friends have seen how John was acting different becoming obsessed and sneaking around. His wife at the time just thought he was ...

Monday, November 25, 2019

Of Human Bondage essays

Of Human Bondage essays Family, love, and friendships are a few of the many colorful threads that are taken and woven into a tapestry of life. Every person one meets on the way will influence the patterns of that tapestry. Every incident, be it tragic or cheerful, will guide the shuttle to take on new directions. With this in mind, William Somerset Maughams autobiographical novel Of Human Bondage offers the reader a first person perspective on the first thirty years of a young mans life. Philip Carey was born with a clubbed-foot. Many critics believe that this birth defect paralleled Maughams own trouble with stammering. This handicap acted as a basis for all the anxiety and self-consciousness that shadowed Philips life. As readers, we shadowed Philip as well, following him from childhood in England, to adulthood in Germany, adventures in Paris, and back to a village on the British coast. Together with Philip, we were drawn into a world of cynicism, passion, hatred, and the yearning to become someone greater. In the beginning, innocence reigned. As a little boy who was just orphaned, Philip took everything in, not comprehending his situation. There was simplicity in his thoughts and naivete in his actions. He soon developed self-consciousness about his clubbed-foot, however, when he was sent to an all boys school. He was endlessly humiliated by his fellow classmates and was treated differently by the teachers. When he did something wrong, the teacher would not cane Philip like he would any other wrong doer because Philip was a cripple. Having suffered years of shame and loneliness, Philip was truly grateful to finally make a friend. Rose was very popular with the boys. He was outgoing and whimsical, and Philip was honored to have Rose treat him as a normal person. There comes a time, unfortunately, in many friendships when one of the people involved becomes possessive. Philip became jealous of Roses...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Explain the terms span of control and control loss. Are these concepts Essay

Explain the terms span of control and control loss. Are these concepts useful in understanding the design of organizations - Essay Example There are frequent opportunities, so they tend to make the best selection. This has caused the people to raise their expectations manifolds. Today, companies have to be very skillful and knowledgeable in order to make the same benefits that they did in the past with much lesser skill and technical knowledge. In the contemporary market scenario, a businessman can not afford to be uneducated on such technical aspects of business as â€Å"span of control† and â€Å"control loss†. This paper explains the concept of the two terms; span of control and control loss and analyzes their usability in the design of organizations. The concept of span of control was first introduced by by Sir Ian Hamilton in 1922 in the UK (â€Å"Reference for Business†, 2011). Hamilton developed the concept after having studied the British military leaders’ capacity to control a maximum of 3 to 6 people. Since then, this number has been recognized as the standard average number of peop le to be managed by one individual. According to Col. Urwick, an optimal span of control should not exceed 6 (Hattrup, 1993). Hamilton believed in the fact that managers come with limited time and energy to devote to their work. Hence, there has to be a maximum limit on the number of people one individual can effectively manage on the average. Span of control is also called as the span of management. It is essentially a term pertaining to human resources management (HRM). It tells the exact number of workers that a supervisor may adequately manage. Fig: Span of control example (tutor2u, n.d.). The term is of huge significance particularly to the small business runners. Span of control is largely taught in business and management institutions all over the world in the contemporary age. The concept is frequently employed in such large institutions as military, schools and many agencies of the government. However, not many business entrepreneurs are yet familiar with the concept and us ually have no technical means to judge what maximum number of workers should be given in the charge of one supervisor. As a result of lack of knowledge, many businessmen tend to increase the span of control. This, in turn, limits a company’s capacity to grow. What to talk of inexperienced lot, even the most experienced and competent managers have a hard time solving issues of too many people. This saps their ability to concentrate on long term plans, and they are not able to competitively position their business in the market scenario. A business is susceptible to be affected by a lot of risks in its lifetime. Losses may occur due to a variety of reasons. Whenever a business suffers from a loss, it is not just the owners that are affected. Indeed, the whole business is affected. The loss results not only into direct cost, but also the indirect expenses associated with it often exceed the direct costs. Let’s assume a case where the a construction site owner did not prov ide the workers with sufficient safety equipment on the site. One of the plastermen fell from the scaffolding because there was no bracing to support him. He fell on the ground and received several scars and wounds all over his body. He bled heavily. The whole crew left the work and attended the injured. He was taken to the nearby hospital for treatment after the first aid was given on the site. Many workers took it as an opportunity to indulge in lengthy discussions and gossip with one another, discussing how the accident happened, to what extent the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

SWOT Analysis of Bank of America Research Paper

SWOT Analysis of Bank of America - Research Paper Example In its mission statement, BoA has identified its responsibilities towards all its stakeholders which include the shareholders, the customers and the clients, its employees, the institutional investors, government, the community and the society in which it operates. BoA’s vision is to become the World’s finest financial service company. At the heart of BoA’s mission statement lays its core values and strategies which highlights how it intends to achieve its mission. BoA believes in doing the right thing for its stakeholders, work in teams while developing trust, focusing on achieving results and respecting each others differences and becoming leaders to build a better future. (Editors) 2. Identify the five (5) forces of competition and how it impacts the company. The first force of Porter’s five forces is threat of new entrants. Banking and financial services industry in general faces severe competition. Being a multinational bank operated worldwide, BoA fa ces tough competition. The potential of absolutely ‘new’ entrants in the banking sector is low as operating a bank is a highly regulated business which requires vast amount of investment. However already established banks worldwide can very easily enter regions and compete with each other which makes competition quite tough for BoA in many regions. (Schmidt. 2010; Henry. 2008) The second force to determine competition in the industry is competition form established rivals. In BoA’s case this seems to be high too as due to globalization in the financial institution the competition has become tougher within already established companies. All the US based and international institutions are trying to win the market share and strengthen their customer base. (Schmidt. 2010; Henry. 2008) The third Porter’s force is competition from substitutes. This seems to be reasonably low for the financial institutions as they offer services like wealth management, investment banking, insurance, loans, advisory etc that have no substitutes. (Schmidt. 2010; Henry. 2008) The power of customer and the power of supplier are the fourth and fifth forces of Porter’s model. The power of supplier seems to be weak in BoA’s case as there are no significant suppliers in the financial services sector. The power of customers is high as in most of the businesses due to increased globalization and competition the customers can now exercise greater influence on the pricing and need of new offers which can accelerate competition. However in an industry like financial services providers where the intervention of government and other regulators is high the companies are restricted to a certain level. (Schmidt. 2010; Henry. 2008) 3. Create a SWOT analysis for the company identifying the major strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats. BoA’s presence world wide gives it a wider geographical coverage to avail opportunities. Its geographical spread e nables it to serve various markets, business segments and needs of customers all around the world. BoA deals in various products which is an additional strength that serves millions of customers all around the world through its strong network. Product diversification- offering services like retail banking, investment banking, cards, capital and wealth management along with continuous product development and keeping pace with latest technology and promoting learning and innovation have been major strengths of the company. Additionally it operates a very strong risk management

Monday, November 18, 2019

Financial Research Report Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Financial Report - Research Paper Example Blue chip stocks are stocks issued by a well-known company with an established record of making money and paying dividends (Teweles & Bradley & Teweles, 1992). Choosing a blue chip stock will ensure that the investment selected has a lower overall risk in comparison with other offerings in the stock market. Based on these criteria the company selected for investment is the retail giant Walmart. Walmart is the largest retail store in the world. The company has 11,000 stores under 71 banners in 27 countries and e-commerce websites in 11 countries (Walmart, 2015). Walt-mart is also the largest employer in the world with 2.2 million employees. The organization was founded by Sam Walton in 1962. The Walt-Mart store was established in Rogers, Arkansas. Sam Waltons legacy includes valuing the importance of human capital. Doug McMillon is the chief executive officer (CEO) and President of the company. The firm believes in the value of promoting from within. Approximately 75% of the stores managers started as hourly associates. Walt-mart compensates its employees with with an average hourly rate of its full time employees of $12.94 (Walmart, 2015). The organization is also a big supporter of the military. Walmart established a goal of hiring 100,000 veterans. The company believes in the value and importance of having a good corporate social responsibility program. Walmart established a fund of $2 billion to fight hunger in the United States. In 2013 the Walmart Foundation gave out $1.3 billion in cash and in-kind contributions to people around the world. The three most important factors of the firms environmental sustainability initiatives are energy, waste, and products. Renewable energy is used by the company. The goal of the firm is to create zero waste. Walmart sells products that sustain people and the environment. In the U.S. the firm operates three types of stores: superstores, discount stores, and neighborhood

Friday, November 15, 2019

Aviation and the environment: Virgin Atlantic

Aviation and the environment: Virgin Atlantic Introduction As the years go by and as technology advances the environment is becoming fragile. This is because of the continual pressure on the natural resources available to man. The adverse effects of human activities on the environment have become evident as there has been an increase in earthquakes, floods, landslides, melting of polar ice caps and the rise in sea level towards the end of the 21st century and start of the 22nd. It is due to this fact that the concept of responsible human activities was brought up by environmental conservationists. This concept proposes that the reduction of greenhouse gases can be achieved through the use of cleaner energy and/or through efficient use of energy. The transport industry produces a significant amount of greenhouse gases on a yearly basis; estimated at 15% of the total greenhouse production in the world. Data collected shows that 23% of all carbon dioxide released into the environment is from the transport industry (See, 2009). Carbon dioxide emissions have been seen to grow by half in a period of seventeen years between 1990 and 2007. Studies show that global greenhouse gas emissions are directly proportional to economic growth. The global financial crisis of 2007 resulted in a drop in greenhouse gas emissions as people were seen to travel less. This shows that the transport industry indeed has a significant effect on global greenhouse gas emissions and therefore measures are needed so as to reduce these emissions in an attempt to reduce the yearly global emissions (Banhart and Odoni, 2009). Air transport pollutes the environment by emitting harmful gases such as COx, NOx, SOx and particulate matter into the air. This mode of transport has also been criticized for noise pollution with the concord being an example of a noise pollutant. Pollution from air travel is a major concern for environmentalists as the yearly emissions from the industry are expected to increase in the future. This is due to the fact that air travel is still in its growth stages and as the world becomes a global village more air traffic will result. On the contrary, greenhouse gas emissions from road transport are expected to reduce in the future due to the advancement in technology and the use of more efficient engines i.e. turbocharged engines, computer controlled combustion sequences etc. Gasoline engines have evolved in the last twenty years from carburetor engines, to EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection) to VVT-i (Valve Variable Timing with Intelligence). This evolution is expected to continue until emissions from road transport are reduced to the least possible (Balmer, 2010). There are different proposals on the measures that could be taken so as regulate air travel and reduce greenhouse emissions from the industry. These include increased taxation of the aviation industry, abolishment of incentives for air travel passengers and emissions trading schemes. Other factors such as a responsible corporate culture and have also been mentioned as possible ways through which emissions from air travel can be reduced. The harmful effects of aviation on the environment have often brought to question the morality of air travel with some critics claiming that air travel is not only immoral and unethical as it causes damage to the habitats of people without properly compensating them. Africa in particular is the greatest victim of global warming with the continent bearing the brunt of the commercial activities of the modern world. Global warming has been found to result in reduction in food production in Africa by 10%; 2 million people die in a year due to malnourishme nt (Cline, 2007). Some aircraft engineers think that the development of more efficient combustion engines and air frame designs have the potential of reducing the yearly greenhouse gas emissions from the industry. This comes at a time when airplane manufacturers are committed to increasing the fuel efficiency of commercial jets by making better designs. The use of alternative fuels for airplanes is also seen by some aviation engineers as a possible solution to the emissions problem. However, critics claim that as aircraft engines become more efficient there is a proportional increase in aircraft traffic thus offsetting the benefits of the new technology. They further claim that the useful life of an aircraft spans between 12 and 8 years and thus it would take long to replace old technology with new technology thus resulting in extensive damage to the environment. The Virgin Atlantic Airline is at the forefront of the fight against air pollution. This is evident by the numerous programs and ventures started by the company so as to reduce its annual greenhouse emissions. It is also the first aircraft company in the United States that reports its emissions to the climate registry. This study will focus on the Virgin Atlantic Airline company and will attempt to assess the impacts that the airline has to the environment and the measures that have been taken so as to reduce the annual emissions of the company. The study will also focus on the technical aspects of aircraft manufacture and operation that have an impact on greenhouse gas emissions (Virgin Atlantic, 2010). Data will be collected from a study carried out in the Virgin Atlantic airline. The data will be collected from technical personnel, engineers, directors, environmentalists and flight personnel so as to gain an understanding of the firms practices and how they affect the environment. The data will then be analysed and from the analysis discussions and suitable recommendations will be made. Research questions What impacts do airline operations have on the environment? What is the Virgin Airline companys policy towards the environment? Has a pro-environment policy in the company resulted in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty? What technical aspects of airplane design and construction have been changed so as to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Which operational measures have been taken so as to reduce green house gas emissions? Are the measures taken by the company practical and realistic? Should other airline companies follow the Virgin Atlantic example? Literature review Exemplary leadership and sound company policies are seen to be the key ingredients in minimizing the effects of the transport industry to the environment. A vibrant leadership that is able to formulate sound policies and that can be able to put these practices into effect is desperately needed if the aviation industry is to go ‘green. The Virgin Atlantic chairman Sir Richard Branson is an example of effective leader who has seen sound company policies being transformed into practical solutions for his organisation. Many companies are yet to adopt similar policies even in an age when there is widespread information on the need to conserve the environment. Sir Branson has welcomed other major airlines and aircraft operators to form a common initiative that will work towards finding solutions for the industry. It is evident that a clear vision at top level management is the driver behind the implementation of environmentally friendly aviation practices (Virgin Atlantic, 2010). Another contributing factor that has enabled the Virgin Airline to reduce its annual carbon emissions is the fact that there exists a flexible and innovative culture within the organisation. According to the company, sustainability must be accompanied by change; staff have to be trained on how to cope with the challenges of the modern world. The companys staff have been educated on the effects of carbon emissions and have been encouraged to find ways in which they could reduce these emissions in their respective areas of work. Such a culture lacks in many aviation companies and is the reason why the Virgin Atlantic is a leader in sustainable aviation. (Virgin Atlantic, 2010). Virgin Atlantic has invested into a fleet of more efficient aircraft that are able to cut the greenhouse gas emissions by 27%. The company has liaised with its manufacture Boeing Commercial Airplanes who have been able to design a more efficient aircraft for the company; Dreamliner 787-9. This is in line with companys goals to have reduced its carbon emissions by 30% before the year 2020. This plane is built from composite materials that are lighter compared to the conventional aluminum alloys. The airplane also has an increased carrying capacity of 290 passengers. Due to modifications in its engines and aerodynamics the aircraft produces 60 percent less noise compared to the A series Boeing already in service. The company also intends to benefits the customer with this new technology through the reduction in air travel fares and the design of improved cabin environments. The company has established a fuel panel that has the responsibility of ensuring that the company saves up to 7000 tonnes of jet fuel in a year. This panel is made up of technical personnel, engineers and pilots who meet periodically and formulate ways of reducing fuel consumption. It is from these meetings that pilots are taught how to minimize fuel consumption when in cruise mode during takeoff and landing. An innovative piloting technique devised by Virgin Atlantic pilots is the continuous descent technique that involves a gradual descent by the pilot from much higher altitudes and thus resulting in reduced fuel burnt and consequently CO2 emissions. The company is also working on the concept of starting grids where the aircraft will be stored in bays close to the runways and then towed to the runways ten minutes before departure. This is expected to cut the amount pre take off fuel consumption by half (Virgin Atlantic, 2010). In a quest to reduce its emissions the company has been able to reduce the weight of its A series aircraft. This involves the substitution of materials inside the aircraft for lighter materials i.e. interior fittings, catering equipment. The company has substituted its metal oxygen tanks with carbon fibre ones, uses lighter paints for aircraft surfaces, replaced metal cargo bins with carbon fibre ones. Other measures such as the removal of used bottles and containers before the next flight have been taken so as to reduce the total takeoff weight of the aircraft. The company has also taken measures towards the implementation of sound air traffic management practices. The chairman Sir Branson is found to say that the efficiency of European airlines could be improved if a single airline management authority was put in place so as to replace the 35 that exist. He further notes that with better air traffic management this could result in better aircraft routes and therefore reduced emissions. The company has proposed the formation of a single sky; a single authority to man and regulate flight routes. This would however require the cooperation of local authorities and government; the company is working towards the achievement of this goal in the future (Virgin Atlantic, 2010). Other measures taken by the company include the reduction in energy used by its ground based sites. This is done through proper employee education, investment in cost effective electrical appliances, installation and the generation of electricity from solar panels. The company has also put measures in place so as to save water in all its processes and operations; cleaning operations, catering, clubhouses to aircraft maintenance. The company has also launched a waste management program that plans to recycle 50% of all the waste generated during active flight and from ground operations. This is aimed at reducing the burden on the environment due to the services and utilities offered to passengers by the airline. The company has even a gone a step further by providing mass transport services for its employees so as to reduce single occupant journeys. The reason for this is to reduce the carbon footprints resulting from services that support the airline but not directly related to it. The Virgin Atlantic airline has shown extraordinary commitment to the conservation of the environment. Not only has the company focused on air pollution but on other forms such as land and water pollution. The chairman of the company has pledged to reinvest the companys profits for the next ten years into the conservation of the environment. This commitment is unmatched by any other airline company and analysts claim that it could be a strategic move to align itself with a rapidly changing world that is becoming increasingly conscious of the threats posed to the environment by human activities (Virgin Atlantic, 2010). Methodology Participants The respondents for the study were selected from employees of the Virgin Atlantic airline in London. This was done so as to gain an understanding of the specific measures that the company has taken with respect to the environment. Respondents from the general public were also selected for the study so as to collect the opinions and feelings of the general public with respect to the aviation industry. These respondents were chosen from people living around airports. Top level management officials were also selected for the study; airline directors and chief officers. Structured and formal interviews Structured and formal interviews will be used in the data collection process. This method has been favoured as it offers several advantages; the researcher will have control of the process, allows the researcher to prioritize questions, prevents the researcher from deviating off the key aspects of the study and saves time by allowing the researcher to ask as many questions in the shortest time possible. The researcher recorded the responses received and then transcribed these responses so as to facilitate analysis of the data. A copy of the questions sheet has been attached at the appendices section (Appendix 1) Emails It was noted during the study that some respondents were not available for face to face interviews. This was mainly due to distance barriers and lack of convenience. Secondary sources Secondary sources such as journals, books, and news prints were compared with the primary data. These were accessed through physical libraries, online libraries and databases. Data analysis The audio records were transcribed to written data. The data was then coded so as to allow for qualitative analysis of the data using statistical software. The IBM V 18 spss statistical package was used to analyse the coded data and from these codes develop visual representations of the data. Benefits of this software include its ability to analyse and develop relationships between various sets of data thus proving useful for the study. Results The answers for each research question were assessed and then coded. These codes were then analyzed statistically and the results displayed visually using pie charts and bar graphs. What do you think is the most notable environmental impact of the aviation industry? Due to the recent increase in aviation related accidents do you think that the aviation industry is still as safe mode of transport? Does the aviation industry need to take necessary measures so as to make it environmentally friendly? Most airline companies are committed to conserving the environment and implementing sustainable practices in their operations. Does company policy have an effect on the approach of an airline company towards air and noise pollution? Do customers tend to prefer airlines that are environmentally conscious? Do you think that the Virgin Atlantic airline has taken genuine steps towards the conservation of the environment? Can changes in the design and engineering of aircraft reduce the impact that they have on the environment? Which aspects of aircraft design do you think are the most critical in the attempt to reduce the environmental impact of aviation? Do you believe that it is possible and practical for airline companies to be sustainiable in nature? Do you support the proposed emissions trading scheme that will have airlines pay for any excessive emissions that they produce? Do you think that the Virgin Atlantic airline provides a good example of environmental conscious business for other airline companies? Discussion Impacts of the aviation industry to the environment The respondents interviewed in the study were found to be well knowledgeable about the aviation industry and its potential impacts to environment. The first question that the researcher asked the respondents was aimed at gaining some insight on the opinions of different people on the effects aircraft operations to the environment. Most respondents claimed that aviation as an industry resulted in pollution to the environment. The three main types of pollution noted in the study include gaseous emissions, release of particles into the air and noise pollution. It was however noted that majority of the respondents claimed that gaseous emissions were the most serious type of pollution that airline companies need to control. It was also found that there is generally minimal knowledge on the existence of particle emissions from aircraft among residents who lived near airports Mainstream media has been found to have a great impact on the opinions of the general public towards pollution and the environment. Coincidentally gaseous emissions which include C0x, N0x and S0x compounds have been extensively covered by media and thus the increased interest/awareness in these issues. Particulate matter release on the other hand has not been well addressed by mainstream media and thus less concern for this type of pollution. In a paper by Person (2005) he claims that particulate matter though ignored by most engineers and environmentalists leads to the damage of the environment, deterioration of human health and has harmful impacts on the engine of the aircraft. In the paper he further addresses the need for engineers and designers to maintain low levels of particulate matter from aircraft engines in an attempt to increase engine lifetime and improve on combustion efficiency. The Transportation Research Board (2005) further explorers the need for a regulatory body t o ensure that all aircraft produce a certain amount of particulate matter so as to reduce environmental pollution. He further states that biofuels though are perceived to be beneficial to the environment could result in higher amounts of particulate matter release into the environment. This study was able to show that there is significant knowledge on the adverse effects of uncontrolled aviation. All respondents acknowledged the fact that the aviation industry places some unseen burden onto the natural environment. However, it was also found that there lacks an alternative source for cleaner, cheaper and readily available fuels. Safety of airline industry The second question was aimed at investigating on the level of trust and confidence of the respondents on the safety of aircrafts. It was found that 63% of all respondents interviewed had confidence in the aviation industry. These respondents claimed that they felt safe and at ease when using this means of transport or operating in the industry. Further probing shows that most respondents thought that aircraft accidents are inevitable and must occur at some point. It was also common belief among respondents that every type of transport has a certain level of risk with most respondents claiming that aviation has the lowest risk factor. Airline directors and airline employees were found to be more aware of the potent risks that exist in the aviation industry compared to environmentalists and residents. This is because these people through their experiences in the industry had come to realize that it is through the continuous checks and quality control processes that airline companies carry out that the accident rates are kept low. Engineers and technical staff were particularly found to be most aware of this fact as they were actively involved in the day to day maintenance of aircraft. One engineer was noted to say he tries his best to ensure that aircraft are 100% accurate but sometimes some things go unchecked and these could result in fatalities. He further claims that no human can ever be perfect including engineers and technical staff and therefore there is always some element of risk that exists when flying a plane. Twenty seven percent of the respondents claimed that the aviation industry was unsafe with most quoting aircraft accidents such as the Flight 93 of United Airlines and the 1977 Tenerife accident. It was also noted that some respondents chose this answer due to lack of sufficient knowledge on the aviation. This was evident among respondents chosen from people living in the vicinity of airports and who had minimal background knowledge on the aviation industry. However, this element of ignorance did not have an effect on the study as only a small proportion of respondents thought that aircrafts were unsafe; 23%. Need for change in aviation industry The third question was geared towards gaining an understanding on the general opinion of industry experts and the public on the need for change by the aviation industry. It was noted that 92% of all respondents acknowledged that there was an urgent need for change in the industry. It was found that almost all of the respondents were aware of the adverse effects that the industry had to the environment and to human life. These include the depletion of natural resources, air pollution, noise, and human health complications such as asthma and allergies. Despite the fact there is sufficient knowledge on the adverse effects of aviation, it was found that little change had been done by most airline companies. After being interviewed most engineers, technical and support staff were found to say that the decision for change had to be made at top levels of the organisation. These respondents claimed that despite the fact that most employees were aware of the need for change they did not have the ability to effect change. The airline directors claimed that most leaders were afraid of change as there was lack of an alternative technology that could be more efficient and cheaper. It was also evident that commitment towards change in the airline industry was lacking as most directors had the ‘impossible or ‘too difficult attitude. A director from the Virgin Atlantic was also found to say that share holders are more interested in profits and less in environmental conservation; thus profits had to be key priority and not environment alism. The year 2007 financial crisis and fuel energy crises were also quoted as factors that tend to slow down the change of aviation into ‘green aviation. Level of commitment in airline companies A survey was also carried out so as to investigate the level of commitment that aviation companies had to the conservation of the environment. The respondents were required to either give a positive or negative response to this question. In an attempt to avoid biases the respondents were divided into categories; establish any differences in opinion by virtue of category. All the environmentalists thought that airline companies lacked the required commitment towards the conservation of the environment and the development of alternative technology. Studies show that environmentalists are often unable to see the economic perspective of any situation and are often biased in their opinions. Goodstein (2010, pp. 9-12) is quoted to says that economists and environmental experts tend to have different opinions as each party is determined to achieve its goals at the expense of the other. From an economic perspective conservation must also have a price tag as the key goal of any business is to make profits. He further outlines the need for economists and environmentalists to agree and make compromises as each cannot exist without the other. Eighty three percent of residents who lived near airports thought that airline companies were not committed to the conservation of the environment. This together with responses from other questions shows that there is a poor opinion of airline companies especially among residents who lived in the proximity. This shows that there is need for public education and community projects so as to improve the relationships between airline and airport authorities with local residents. Most Virgin Atlantic airline employees and support staff claimed that airlines were committed to the conservation of the environment. This is due to the fact that these people have been are exposed to the numerous environmentalist programs within the Virgin Atlantic. However this cannot be meant to reflect all the opinions of employees from all airline companies. This commitment was felt more strongly among top level employees in the Virgin Atlantic; people at these levels have the most responsibility of implementing sustainable practices and due to the perceived burden that they have they tend to overestimate the level of commitment of their organisation. A smaller percentage, 50% of support staff, thought that their airline company was committed to conserving the environment and to sustainable practice. This exposes a trend whereby the further you move from the decision making organs of an organisation the lesser you see this commitment. It was therefore deduced that there is significant commitment among airline companies but not at the desired levels. It was also deduced that an insignificant level of bias exists among some of the respondents; cannot challenge the validity of the data collected. Environmental conservation and customer loyalty Results of data analysis show that there is a relationship between sustainable practices of an airline and customer loyalty/satisfaction. This is because of the environmental awareness that exists among consumers of goods and service. People want to support companies that give back to the society and to the environment within which they operate in. Most customers think that it is the moral responsibility of airlines to employ sustainable practices so as to not to damage the environment in exchange for profits. Customers now relate the neglect of the environment to corporate greed and moral decay. 64% of the respondents interviewed agreed that environmental conservation had an impact on customer preferences and loyalty. These included managers engineers and support staff in the Virgin Atlantic. Maignan and Ferrell (2004, pp. 3-7) expound on the ability of corporate social responsibility to result in an increase in customer loyalty and satisfaction. In the studies the authors were able to establish that these two factors were directly proportional to each other. In fact the authors state that sustainable practices can be used as a marketing strategy by companies and thus offer dual benefits for organisations. The Virgin Atlantic has gained much recognition in the main stream media for its conservational efforts which include sustainability projects, the Gold Standard scheme and the carbon footprint project. This is also the only company that submits data on its periodical emissions. Studies show that public opinion of the company has substantially improved due to this fact and this has brought with it increased customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The Virgin Atlantic airline intends to be the most sustainable airline by the year 2020 and its strategy is to be able to gain control and influence over competitors in the industry by acquiring moral and ethical justification from sustainable practices. Engineering changes and environmental impact All the engineers and airline directors interviewed were confident that engineering practices and changes on aircraft would be able to reduce the impact of the industry to the environment. This is a positive aspect as it shows that commitment and a sense of belief in the part of top level management and of technical staff. A Virgin Atlantic director interviewed said that his company was committed towards the generation of engineering solution suited to the problems of the 22nd century and to the unique needs of this time. He also quoted the energy crisis that has been spurred by international conflicts with Middle East as the hot spot of the crises. This coupled with the fact that oil reserves are slowly being exhausted there is a need for the generation of alternative fuel sources. He however states that the development of an alternative fuel source that could replace jet fuel and that could also make economical sense would take a very long period of time. He therefore said that it would be prudent if the efficiency of aircraft engines could be improved before such a technology could be made possible. 100% of the engineers interviewed also claimed that they could improve the efficiency of aircraft so as to reduce the impacts that these aircraft had on the environment. The researcher asked some engineers to quantify the amount of time and resources that they would need to cut aircraft emissions by half. The engineers claimed that it would be impossible to quantify such factors as such a move would have to be preceded by intensive research and testing. Once these results are positive this would then give a go ahead for the engineers to put these measures into practice. The engineers further stated that some measures such as efficient engines and revolutionary airframe designs could not be implemented by the airline company itself but this had to be in liaison with the aircraft manufacture. An airline engineer was noted to say that â€Å"we as engineers at the Virgin Atlantic can only carry out basic changes on the aircraft. When want major changes to be made on the aircraft we have to relay this information to Boeing so that they could probably effect these changes in the next aircraft that they roll out.† An airline director was quoted to say that it takes a very long time to change aircraft technology. This is due to the fact that it takes long time to design, test, implement new designs and technology. The useful economic life of an airplane is around 10 years and thus it does not make economical sense to retire a plane that has not fully paid back its on its capital investment. This is a challenge that directors and engineers face when trying to reduce aircraft emissions as they are forced to work with outdated and comparatively inefficient aircraft as these aircraft have not yet reached their full work life. Riodan (1985, pp. 1461-1463) looks at the moral obligation of engineers and technical staff to conserve the environment. The author says that engineers have destructive and constructive abilities and further states that lack of regard for the environment leads to destructive engineering. The author also states that the environment provides a platform for all of us to stand

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Complete Communities and Indulgent Diversities Essays -- Campus Life

Rebekah Nathan’s â€Å"Community and Diversity† focuses on the changing definition of the word community on college campuses and how that change affects the way students spend their free time and interact with other students. While campus directors set up and promote campus life community with good intentions of providing every student with interesting activities and helping first-time students make the jump from home-life to college-life, big communities usually only take away from the little free time left in the day and make students feel more isolated and alone. The demand on students to participate in every campus activity in order to form a healthy campus life community pushes students further away from organized groups and makes forming small, exclusive social networks even more desirable. At the beginning of her essay â€Å"Community and Diversity,† Nathan notes most students only feel a sense of togetherness in three areas: â€Å"age, pop culture, and a handful of (recent) historical events† (Nathan 101)—areas that do not exactly function as ties that bind. Even as campuses pour more resources and energy into trying to involve students and to create a functioning community, many students instead opt to reserve time for themselves and small groups of friends, forsaking the large, time-restrictive group for networks of â€Å"individualism, spontaneity, freedom, and choice† (Nathan 105). While these egocentric groups often overlap, they rarely have identical matches, as each student creates his or her own network on a basis of proximity and similar interests. Many of the groups are also either entirely comprised of a single ethnicity or include only one or two persons of different races. Although the large, organized form of campus... ...s purpose and motivation—to provide social structure, to educate, or to merely retain the majority of the freshman class? While a large-scale community can provide students with multiple activities with which to fill their days, it simply cannot offer each student much needed personal care and attention. Although Nathan conducts brilliant observational research in her essay, â€Å"Community and Diversity,† she merely scratches the surface of the situation, reporting on the evidence around her, but not reaching the heart of problem. Students today require a deeper understanding from other students—an understanding they cannot have in a large community. Instead of waiting for small-scale university programming to come along, students have to take matters, and their best interests, into their own hands and create small, private networks that cater to their individual needs.