Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Nanking Massacre free essay sample

A paper discussing the views of the Japanese society on Japanese actions during World War II. The following paper examines Japanese actions during World War II, focusing specifically on the Nanking Massacre, an attempt to dominate China quickly by demoralizing and destroying the population of Chinas capitol. The writer discusses the economic and political goals of this action and he also examines how not all of Japanese society has been comfortable with acknowledging this part of their history. After World War II, Japans economic needs still required raw materials only available from other countries, and they continued to look to China as the source. This economic reality was complicated by the post World War II politics regarding China, which was now split into two countries: the Republic of China, now in exile on the island of Taiwan, and the Communist Peoples Republic of China on the mainland. While Japan needed good relations with The Peoples Republic of China because of the need to trade with them, the post World War II sentiment among most of the dominant powers was that the Communist government was not legitimate, should not be recognized, and should not be encouraged in any way. We will write a custom essay sample on The Nanking Massacre or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

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